Fuck your champion 1.8 cheats

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Happy new year, Corta! First, a minor bug. Nonexistantone Ahri CPU Luke Starbrook Mark Fima Michael Shida kudou Majorangejuice Jalen zak climbb45318 Steffen Flint Deathz daniel Wilsonthegreen Descartes Xioopt Your Best Friend d3mon13 Alexander Martens MH xRoacHx Nope Noperson Beldantazar Gawd Almighty Vix Alexei Short Te1emachus Katarina Morello Michael Eskesen Michael Murphy Disconnected Steve Keon Boyd KC Erik Spychalski Takayuki Chiba InfamousTA davids251 Jimmy Ohlsson Vincent20 Justin Alex air990099 Veloxity

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but it works! without crashing every time! YAY Still to go: I'll finish the gang scene (duh) make your character vote come true (probably morgana) and on full 1.8, still aiming for a 'pleasure' bar plus a persona system for each champ the have their own likes/dislikes - yay, orgasms! And thanks to the backers of FYC: swf Since last update: (ver 1.8p2) Sneak peak at the new (unfinished) gang scene + DJ sona, two new partners (poro & bristle) plus more stuff I cant think of right now.it's late, gimme a break new scene is -clearly- still VERY wip, plenty of stuff is broken, I know!.

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